Middle East Part 1:

October 15, 2011  •  Leave a Comment


How do you describe the simplicity and yet amazing feeling ofwalking a path that Jesus walked. The feel of the cold stone of the WesternWall, listening to the people around you praying and singing. Watching aspeople slide their prayer requests into a tight space in the wall. I wanted totake one out and read the  earnest prayerof a Jewish worshiper. I wondered how different their prayers are then mine. I watched as the Jewish women walkedbackward away from the wall, as a symbol of not turning their back to God.  Do I have as much reverence and respect forGod in my life?

How do you describe looking out over Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives. Seeingthe paths that Jesus walked the night he was betrayed.  Walking the streets of the Old City Jerusalem.David Street and Delarosa.  Seeing theremains of the pool of Siloam, where the blind man in faith did what Jesus toldhim to do and washed his eyes in the pool, which restored his site. Standing insidean olive press, hearing how Jesus stayed in a place called Gethsemane the night of his betrayel–an olivepress. Walking beside, swimming in, and sitting out on a boat, at the Sea ofGalilee, imagining what it would have been like to hear Jesus teach. Looking out over the wilderness whereJesus spent 40 days fasting and praying.   

How do you describe seeing the detail and care that went into thewriting of the Dead Sea Scrolls? Each piece written with such precision andcare that the lines drawn on the page to keep the writing straight were alsodone with exact measurements. Each writing was penned with perfection and accuracy. Not only did the people just right them, they studied and believedin what they were writing, and knew the significance of preserving it. Do I, inmy own life have such dedication and perseverance in my walk with God on adaily basis?   

There is so much more I can say about each place. It would very quickly become anendless list of all the incredible things we saw and learned while here. It wasan amazing trip filled with the places of the Bible and challenging lessonsfrom the lives of the people who walked the paths before us.  

I’m not sure I coulddo any of it justice when putting my thoughts from the trip into words. So here are some pictures that will hopefully help you to see some of what I saw!


The Western Wall

Olive Press much like the one Jesus stayed at the night of his betrayal.

A garden tomb

David Street

The Pool of Siloam 

Mount of Olives Overlooking Jerusalem 

David Street Markets

The wilderness that Jesus spent 40 days in fasting and prayer

The caves and mountains of Kidron Valley where they found the Dead Sea Scrolls

The Sea of Galilee 

Morning Devotions on the Sea of Galilee 



Stay tuned to hear about Jordan and Egypt!


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