17 Pictures of Washington DC and the Monuments

November 21, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

I want to share with you some photographs I recently took in Washington DC. The day was perfect and the lighting for each location was where I needed it for each shot! Check out these 17 photos and let me know what you think. All of the photos are available as canvas prints. Please e-mail me for details! 


A few weeks ago I took a very spontaneous trip to DC for a day of visiting all the monuments and memorials. I spent that day with my good friend Monica and me new friend Elizabeth. Elizabeth is from Iowa. It had been 15 years since she was in DC so we wanted to get her around to see as much as she could. We started the day with the Jefferson Memorial where parking is free and walked from there over to the Lincoln.

The day was full as we walked the monument loop stopping at each one for Elizabeth to take in the sites. Of course, I took pictures, lots and lots of pictures! At the end of the day we had gotten around to see the Franklin, Lincoln, Jefferson, and Washington monuments, the White house, United States Capital, Supreme Court, Union Station, and the World War ii and Vietnam Memorials. As the sun set over the Lincoln memorial we walked over to Arlington Cemetery. My only regret of the day - just as we walked up to the gate they were closing for the night so we didn't get to see the changing of the guard.

When Elizabeth went home she said that being able to visit DC was the highlight of her fall! Mission accomplished! 

Here are a few of my favorite shots of the day, if you want to see more just click on one of the pictures and it will take you to the gallery! 


Jefferson Memorial washington DCJefferson Memorial washington DC


Lincoln memorial washington dcLincoln memorial washington dc


white house washington dcwhite house washington dc


duck washington dc duck washington dc


united sates capital washington dcunited sates capital washington dc


united sates capital washington dcunited sates capital washington dc


united sates capital washington dcunited sates capital washington dc


supreme court washington dcsupreme court washington dc


supreme court washington dcsupreme court washington dc


union Station washington dcunion Station washington dc


united states capital washington dcunited states capital washington dc


 washington dcwashington dc


Vietnam war memorialVietnam war memorial


world war ii memorial washington dcworld war ii memorial washington dc


lincoln memorial washington dclincoln memorial washington dc


Lincoln memorial washington dcLincoln memorial washington dc


jefferson memorial washington dcjefferson memorial washington dc


I always love visiting our nations capital. I love being reminded of what our country was founded on and seeing all that our country has been through. I pray that America will never forget the principles this country was founded on, that they will remember the Godly men who stood up and set the great foundations of our nation. 

American is still the greatest Nation on Earth...let us not take that for granted a single day as we stand up and make God known throughout this great land! 


Photographing Life's Adventure!



Rose Finley 
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