My sister is MARRIED!!

August 18, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

When did we get old?! Blink a few times and life goes by faster then you can keep track. I remember the childhood memories of us laughing and playing together, the stupid fights we would have, and the late nights spent talking. We were polar opposites but yet we brought the needed balance to each others lives.

So it really hit me during your wedding when I stood up to give the maid of honor speech. My big sister was married. I looked at you...that was a were already teary eyed and I hadn't even started talking yet. You made me forget the stories I was going to tell about you and turned my thought out speech into a tear fest as I stumbled through to the end.

John, you are a patient and thoughtful man of God. I have enjoyed getting to know as a future Brother-in-law. I know this is only the beginning of our friendship, without a doubt there will be lots of stories to be told down the road of the fun times you will share with our family. You did after all marry a Finley. ;-) 

God bless you both as you begin your journey together! God knows what he is doing and clearly has someone for everyone. You are perfect for each other.

Matthew 22:37-39

Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'

Rose Finley
Wedding - Portrait - Event


Wedding dress in the windowWedding dress in the window


Father of the bride first lookFather of the bride first look


groomsman group shotgroomsman group shot


groomsman group shotgroomsman group shot


bridesmaids group shotbridesmaids group shot


sisters group shotsisters group shot


mom and dad praying with the bridemom and dad praying with the bride


father walking the bride islefather walking the bride isle


the vowsthe vows


fish eye view of the churchfish eye view of the church


You may now kiss the brideYou may now kiss the bride


bride and groom send off bubblesbride and groom send off bubbles


ring shot with the flowersring shot with the flowers


bride and groombride and groom


bride and groom kissingbride and groom kissing


bride and groombride and groom


bride and groombride and groom


bride and groom with grandmabride and groom with grandma


bride and groom with grandparentsbride and groom with grandparents


bride and groom with familybride and groom with family


bride and groom with familybride and groom with family


bride and groom with flower girl and ring bearer bride and groom with flower girl and ring bearer


don't kiss group shot bride and groomdon't kiss group shot bride and groom


celtic fox wedding cake cakes by Maraceltic fox wedding cake cakes by Mara




wedding party shot from abovewedding party shot from above bride and groombride and groom




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