Since December 12th God has made himself known and filled my life with so much peace through many emotions.
Here are just a few of the things I have witnessed in the last several weeks. (Each deserves there own blog post I will give you a small snap shot of each right now)
While God's never ending faithfulness should not surprise me it always amazes me how he works out the smallest details.
While in Peru I heard a sermon on Luke 8:22-24 Where Jesus calms the storms. God calls us down different paths and calls us to follow him. In verse 22 Jesus never told his disciples there was going to be a big storm he only said "let us go over to the other side of the lake." Sounds simple. Until the storm came and overwhelmed the disciples. However, Jesus calmed the storm and the disciples crossed to the other side more prepared for the ministry God had for them there.
Dad is doing well and pressing on through some painful therapy and walked Kim down the isle to give away on her wedding day!!
My friends adoption court hearing was one that will be remembered by everyone who was there.
Peru was a time of refreshing pressure. I was blessed to be able to fill a last minute opening on an ABWE Storytellers Abroad Workshop. A workshop training creative videographers in shooting, editing, and presenting stories from the mission field. The team was made up of missionaries and students with one common goal, learn to tell effective stories through the powerful tool of video.
I told Carols story to promote an upcoming class which she has been through and is now a teacher of.
I hope you enjoyed the update. I will post about these topics in more detail so stay tuned.
Thank you for your prayers and support for my family, missions, and photography!